Monday, April 20, 2009

Fishing with the Carp Sportfishng Club 4/19/09

Well - I got invited to fish on a charter with The Carp Sportfishing Club this past Sunday on the the Stardust. We got a nice morning smooth ride over to Talcott Shoals (east Rosa).

The fishing was so so, we caught fish but nothing of any real size, reds, chucks assorted rockfish. I must have caught and released at least 6 short lings.

I put out the word to other Ladies and Louise jumped on it -so I finally got to fish with her - she is a kick.

Remember -I told you all I made up special Easter rock cod hooks? Well here are a few of them, I threw them in the bag and handed them out and darned if the chucks and reds didn't bite them, even those short lings!

This is Pete he CM'd the trip for the club.

I got to spend the day with my husband, eldest son and a lot of the guys they work with all week long - other trades guys and hands at the Lumber yard, etc.
I could hear my husband "Biff" laughing all day - somewhere on the boat.
In the end a ling took the JP (only 2 legal ones were caught).

I caught more than my limit - so I filled some other bags - that's always a nice feeling. The guys were noticing that I had a fish on pretty often, when I said this one feels like a white fish and it was - then they were really surprised. Go Lady Anglers!!!!!

1 comment:

Wacky Wahine said...

Barb, you ROCK! (pardon the pun!)