Thursday, July 8, 2010

Well....after Fred and I caught Roosters over 60 in the East Cape last month I had a jones to get tribute ink....
Anyway, worked out great cuz he will work for trade and since he loves punk rock...I am building him a Circle Jerks stick...How cool is that!
I am running out of room to throw ink in locations that can be easily covered for work reasons...the open areas below my knee were too small for what I wanted done so I went to the thigh. Big open canvas for a big trophy fish!
Did my first session yesterday...2 and a half hours for the outline and beginning shading work in black. It measures 10 inches tall by 8 wide...I have a follow up appt to slam the color in a couple weeks.
Here is how it looks to start...

I love it, can't wait to finish it!

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