Sunday, December 28, 2008

12/28 Speed Twin

Biff & I went out on the Speed Twin today, just hoping to catch some fish and have fun on the water. We did not expect to come across a pod of ORCA about 3 juveniles a large female & a calf. The capt followed them for a few minuets and I tried to get photos.

There were not enough anglers to really take the boat out but the capt took us anyway - the crew wanted to go fishing so we just went to the west end of Anacapa and did some rock fishing and turned for home abut 12 noon.
We caught a lot of Starry rock fish and a few Barber poles. Biff limited plus, but I only got 2.
But it was nice out there and I don't think there were more than 15 on the boat total. Biff & I were given rain checks to go back out again. Seeing Orca in our channel - so cool!

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