Sunday, June 29, 2008

So here we are Ladies.....Just another awesome trip in the books for Me, Tanner, and Mary...We headed down to San Diego to hop on the 85' Holiday where we had heard the Albacore were on the chew.....The weather was absolutely gorgeous and the scenery was just as beautiful....(I think I met the man of my dreams!!!!) I caught 4 Albacore and a really hot guy...Hi JR!!!! HOT!!!
Mary and Tanner got their first Albacore ever!!!! Tried to make them eat the hearts, which is tradition..., but they were not going for it.... Anyway, Tanner went 1 for 3, lost one on the prop and had one short biter....Mary went 2 for 3, lost hers when it spit the hook...and I went 4 for 6, losing my very first 2 hookups on 15# test...First one spit the hook and the second sawed me off clean...Capt. said it was a Bluefin Tuna, but we never saw it....We switched over to the 25# set-ups and rocked 'em Gold Coast style!!!!!
Guess what we'll be serving at the Meeting we host......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful Fishes, Erica & Mary.