Monday, June 9, 2008

Hey there fellow Lady Anglers, As I soaked up some sunshine camping at Lake Lopez this weekend, my best friend Mary was chomping at the bit for her first Seabass of the year!!!Weather caused an overnight charter to our local Islands to cancel so off she went in search of the Mighty Croaker...She landed on the deck of the Liberty, same boat that produced my Seabass last weekend. Bound and determined, she fished hard all day and landed this trophy fish!!!!!Way to go LADY!!!! Way to keep representing!!!(Notice her Gold Coast Lady Angler Visor!!!)


Anonymous said...

AWESOME !!!!!!!!! How big was it?That's what a GOLD COAST LADY ANGLER does !! Right On !!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool!!!! How did you catch it what were you using, were you near the coast or out deeper?
Barb Mc

Mary said...

This was a 2o lb fish, and it was one of the smallest on the boat, with the jackpot fish coming in at over 45lbs.. I was using squid, were were fishing in only about 36 ft of water when I hooked up.

Karen said...

Right ON!!!

Both you guys.

Way to go.