Monday, April 12, 2010

2 Days on the Ranger 85

Jacob- enjoying the calm seas and great fishing

I had reserved 6 spots on the Ranger 2-day Ling Cod opener back in December after our Xmas Party. As time went on our number dwindled to 4 - OK Then! Our trip got cancelled due to high wind and surf and moved to the following weekend. I had not Signed up for the Sea Biscuit thinking 2 major trips in 2 weeks might be a bit much.
Good thing - cause we were leaving the same night as you. So fun to see everyone on the docks and visiting back and forth between the charters.
Anyway- the weather, as Erika said in her blog, was better than predicted going out and fishing on Saturday was as nice as I have ever seen it at Nicholas smooth seas and it got calmer as the day wore on.

This was my Big Fish for Saturday

We caught lots of Boccacio at first then made some moves to get out to that and got into White Fish and Sheephead land, lots of wonderful rock fish - biggest johnny bass I ever saw. I really thought I had the JP for Saturday with my big goat but when they dumped the bags and started cleaning fish the found 2 Ocean Whitefish that outweighed my monster Sheephead. WE caught so much on Saturday they had to put out second bags for most everyone and took the early ones and put them into the cold hold. Then they processed that days catch on Saturday night - they crew was up till 2am processing our catch.

We were not sure what Sunday would hold we stayed out at Nick and anchored up for the night. Chef Paul made a fabulous dinner- Tri tip, mashed potatoes, corn & rolls. (Lunch was Teriyaki chicken sticky rice & steamed veggies) I made blackberry/peach cobbler (4- 9x12's) for the boat dessert- holding up the Lady Angler tradition of treating the Crew and fellow anglers.

Sunday morning was cooler and a little breeze but not bad by Nicholas standards so we moved off in search of lings, white & sheep. The lings didn't really show up much for us but mid morning we did a drift over a spot were the Sheeps were coming over the side BIG and lots of them - WOW 20 lbs at the top end.

Another larger Goat was brought on board by a heck of a nice guy but he did not get into the Pot, so Biff's was the next largest and he won JP on Sunday - keeping it in the family.
The counts for the boat were 2 days totals
640 Rockfish
464 Ocean White Fish
77 Sheephead
6 Ling Cod
It took three carts to get all the fillets and fish up to the dock.
Yes - Mom Erika - I took care to slip Tanner, a little something extra - he's a very hard worker!

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