Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lady Anglers are Winners

Andrew horsing around found a new key chain ornament!

I just read Erika's report on her weekend and I can't compare with a White Sea Bass - but I won the Jackpot anyway.

I went out on the Mirage (Sunday night, fished Monday) and used my 100.00 wind ticket - knew it was going to be a light load. I got down there and the anglers started showing up - no one I knew some from Orange County, Northern Cal all over not locals at all.

So I took my pick of a bunk and settled down to wait for the inevitable surge of the engines as we leave the dock for our 24 hour fishing adventure. About 9:30 who walks in but Flipper and JJ Mike Thompson & John Fuqua Jr. They rounded out our numbers to 16 - still a light load. I fished alongside JJ and Flipper most of the day up near the bow. It was a little scratchy - the white fish were mostly small and a couple of dinky sheephead. then we moved to a couple of spots where the reds were plentiful and of good size. then we made a couple more moves and the bite just seemed to be off. Tucker was getting good reading the fish just weren't interested. So we went back to some of the shallower spots and picked up a few more reds - JJ hauled in on next to me that was really big.

Mike (aka Flipper), Barb & JJ.
However, as it sometimes works out - JJ, Flipper and a friend of Ryan's came on board but were not counted in the JP due to being comp tickets.

The Russian dudes - I thought Miryam was on board they were fishing the fan tail area and with everything and anything they caught there was a whole lot of hoopla.

So I went ahead and dumped out my bag and got the biggest of my catch out, just to start things off and as the other guys did the same, no body could find one that out-weighed my big red. I was very surprised the JP was 100.00 I used it to pay my galley tab & fish cleaning the gave the rest to the cook and the crew.

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