Hi Ladies!
Sorry we didn't go on the Stardust this weekend. I saw an opening on the Apollo for
Fathers Fay weekend a while back and booked it for Biff, Jake & I . This was a Shimano limited load Tuna trip 1 1/2 days.
Well we left San Diego (Saturday night6/20) w/high hopes, the winds were projected at 10 knots for the outer waters but we knew it was blowing up north. The tuna and yellow tail counts had been spotty as it is still early in the season.
We started trolling about 5:30 am and we trolled and trolled. We went through 1 1/2 or 2 whole rotations before getting a strike and it turned out to be a spanish jack- never even saw it. Then and albie hit- just 1.
We stopped on a couple of kelp patties and managed to hook a few yellow tail- I got my first one on a chrome & blue jig - it was small but gave a good fight- sorry no photo.
As the day wore on we got a few strikes on the troll rods and picked up a few here and there. Along about 3:30 or so we finally got a good solid hit on all 4 troll rods and on baits dropped over the side it was fast and furious for about 30 minutes. Biff & I were on the Troll and got our fish. Jake threw a bait over the side and hooked a nice one on light tackle ( 20lb test) it gave him quite a fight. He finally brought it in and was pretty happy about the experience.
All in all for 17 anglers we caught 18 albacore, 5 yellowtail, 1-bonito, 1-spanish jack.
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