What a day on the Aloha Spirit. Some of us "bad-ass bass" girls decided fishing was more important than working so we jumped on the Aloha Spirit and kicked bass today and I mean WHITE SEA BASS !!!! Check out these lovely ladies !!! The skipper told us we had to be really quiet so not to scare the fish and it was a real challange for us, but we did and look what we got. Unbelievable !!!
But the best part for me was I finally got my "elusive" HALIBUT - all 22 lbs of it. I couldn't believe it. Last drop of the day, I was just shooting the breeze with the guy next to me, and BANG, I got hit and hit hard. I knew it wasn't a WSB cause it wasn't taking me around the boat, just pulling a lot of line. When it came to surface, I almost had a heart attack !! Finally, the curse is over after 18 years.
YIPEE !!!!!!!!!!
The GOLD COAST LADY ANGLERS rocked the boat today !!!! This is a day I will NEVER forget.
OMG, what a freaking good time, love you Ladies
Woo hoo! Terrific. Did you lift your WSB curse too?
Right On... GCLA Rocks!!!!
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